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Quarta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2017 ás 21h00

na VILLA NOBRE em Americana/SP

Mafalda Minnozzi apresenta o show “CANTA MAFALDA”, acompanhada de Paul Ricci (guitarras).

Durante o espetáculo a cantora e o musico/produtor americano mostram arranjos originais e novas leituras para grandes autores da musica italiana e internacional em ritmo de swing, jazz e bossa nova.

A apresentação, que já passou por importantes casas de jazz de Nova Iorque (Birdland, Trumpets, Zinc, NY University) e festivais no verão europeo, chega finalmente ao Brasil.

Tres  álbuns já saíram deste projeto: “eMPathia Jazz Duo”, “Inside” e o recentíssimo “Cool Romantics”.


Mafalda Minnozzi presents the show “CANTA MAFALDA” celebrating her 20 year long career in Brazil, accompanied by Paul Ricci on guitars.
During the spectacular the singer and the American musician and producer present original arrangements with a new outlook on the works of the great composers of Italian and international song in the rhythms of swing, jazz and bossa nova.
The show, which has already been presented at important jazz clubs in New York (Birdland, Trumpets, Zinc and NY University Casa Zerilli Marimó) and at festivals in Europe, finally arrives in Brazil.  This project has already produced three albums, “eMPathia Jazz Duo”, “Inside and the recently released “Cool Romantics”

at “VILLA NOBRE”   9:00PM

Endereço: R. Benaiah, 159 – Jardim Terramérica I, Americana – SP,  Brazil
telefone: +55 19 98159-7577
site Villa Nobre: